Trading Paints Update Notes: December 18, 2017

Heads up! This is a really old post. Some of the information may no longer be relevant.

We’ve rolled out a few minor updates, enhancements, and bug fixes to

My Paints

  • When you upload a new paint and you already have a decal layer assigned, you’ll now be asked if you want to keep your existing decal layer. Previously, your decal layer was always removed when uploading a new paint.
  • Adjusted the appearance of the screen when switching between vehicle tabs to avoid a “No Paint” indicator even when there is an active paint assigned.
  • Added links to modify number style, wheel color, and download the template on the iRacing Member Site from the Choose Paint menu for each vehicle.
  • You can now dismiss on-screen notifications by clicking them.
  • On confirmation prompts (“Are you sure you want to do something?”), you can now also press the Enter (or Return) key to confirm.
  • Fixed a bug where the word “null” would appear after using a Showroom paint via the My Paints screen.
  • Fixed a bug where used paint schemes marked as unlisted could appear in Showroom suggestions.
  • Fixed a bug where “Created with Paint Builder” text would remain under a paint after a Paint Builder paint was removed.
  • Fixed a bug where new Paint Builder paints would display a broken image preview.

Settings, Profiles, and Messaging

  • Adjusted the notification shown after sending a message to another user.
  • Fixed a bug where https URLs did not display correctly on user profiles.
  • Fixed a bug where some users with certain special characters in their email addresses could not log in.
  • Fixed a bug where painters might have received notifications from a user with no ID (dummy user).
  • Fixed a bug where you might have received multiple Trading Paints Pro upgrade emails at once.


  • On paint scheme pages, you’ll now see an area that displays additional Showroom paints by that member.
  • We’ve added a new section to the Showroom called Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame lists the public Showroom paint that’s in the #1 most popular position each day. Enjoy seeing which paints are popular over time.
  • We now show an indicator on paints that have been the first, second, or third most popular Showroom paints on any day.
  • You can now view or sort by all Oval and all Road cars in the Vehicle drop-down list.
  • Shortened the display of long web addresses on paint scheme pages.
  • Added a reminder to users who haven’t used Trading Paints Downloader to install the program after selecting the option to race a Showroom paint.
  • Added the ability to define the wheel style (color vs. matte) when uploading a Showroom paint.
  • Added a “Reply” button to submit comments and replies on a paint scheme page.
  • Updated accuracy of the number of racers using paints.
  • Fixed a bug where the painter-defined wheel color was not shown on Showroom paint scheme page.

Paint Builder

  • You will now receive a notification on Trading Paints when someone shares a Paint Builder project with you.
  • Fixed a bug where an old version of a Paint Builder project would not update when modified.
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Sign Out from Paint Builder would not sign you out.

Thank You

A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to making Trading Paints a fantastic community in 2017. There are now over 70,000 of you, and it’s really cool for us to see 60,000 Showroom paints, 47,000 Paint Builder paints, and nearly a million uploads to My Paints since our re-launch two years ago. We’ve loved watching the community thrive this year as iRacing released a remarkable amount of new content — we’re blown away by your creativity, and can’t wait to see what 2018 brings.

– SteveShawn, and Patrick