Trading Paints Update Notes: December 3, 2019

Season’s greetings! We cooked up a batch of new Trading Paints features to coincide with the new 2020 Season 1 iRacing build.

New feature: Specular Maps

You can now adjust the finish of your car (chrome, metallic, matte, etc.) using a specular (spec) map file.

Specular Maps must be uploaded as MIP files. The iRacing team has provided more details on how to create Specular Maps.

Specular Maps can be assigned to both personal paints under My Paints (via the Choose Paint menu), and to Showroom paints.

Specular Maps are available now for Trading Paints Pro members.

UPDATE: Specular Maps are available now for all Trading Paints members (2019-12-04).

New feature: Collections (and AI carsets!)

We’ve released a new feature called Collections! With Collections, you can create a list of Showroom paints. Use Collections to collect your favorite paints for sharing with others, or show off your skills as a paint curator.

Collections can also be used to create AI carsets for vehicles that support AI in iRacing — currently, that’s only the Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (991).

If you are the owner of a Collection, you can visit your Collection and select Edit, and then Make AI Carset to assign driver names, car numbers, and skills.

Still to come are AI carsets for Custom Number paints and Specular Maps for AI cars.

We’re excited for iRacing’s foray into AI racing and build new Trading Paints features alongside iRacing as their talented team continues to develop AI.

Other Updates and Fixes

My Paints

  • Added a success confirmation message if you delete a Custom Number paint.
  • Added a success confirmation message if you delete a decal layer.
  • Removed Previous button on the success confirmation message after uploading a personal paint.
  • Custom Number paints are no longer shown on the Inactive Paints list for non-Custom Number paints.
  • TGA files are checked for square size on upload.
  • On the Custom Number tab, added a reminder you need to enable the iRacing graphics option to Hide Numbers.
  • Adjusted formatting of My Paint Builder Projects page for non-Pro users.


  • Fixed a bug where using two successive Custom Number paints from the Showroom would not unassign the first paint, leading to multiple paints being marked as active.
  • Fixed appearance of Follow button on the Painters page.
  • Changed number formatting for paint and follower count to include commas.
  • When uploading a Custom Number paint, paint booth number fields are now removed as they’re unnecessary.
  • Decal layers and spec maps can now be attached to Showroom uploads. When a Trading Paints Pro member races a Showroom paint with a decal layer or spec map attached, the decal layer and/or spec map will also be assigned.
  • On the Edit Showroom Paint screen, adjusted the size and language of the Replace TGA link.
  • On the Edit Showroom Paint screen, adjusted the placement of the Custom Number field to match the Upload screen.
  • On the first day of the month, the previous month’s paints are now displayed on the Hall of Fame page since there are no paints for the current month.
  • Fixed a bug where the Back to Top button was loading a new page instead of simply moving to the top of the current page.
  • Adjusted styling of the My Showroom Paints page when you have no Showroom paints uploaded.
  • Fixed a bug where disabling Custom Number paints in a results listing did not work.


  • Support for Specular Maps added.
  • Support for AI rosters added.
  • Miscellaneous updates aimed at improving the reliability of downloaded paints.

Please also note, as usual, Paint Builder will be offline for about 48 hours while we work through these updates.

We hope you enjoy these new updates. Happy painting and happy holidays!

—Steve, Shawn, and Patrick