Trading Paints Update Notes: June 5, 2018

Heads up! This is a really old post. Some of the information may no longer be relevant.

The Season 3 iRacing update went live today, so we figured now might be a good time to push out a few small updates and bug fixes to the Trading Paints web interface, too.

My Paints

  • You can now pin your favorite vehicles to the top of your vehicles list for quicker access.
  • Upon uploading or selecting a new paint, you will be presented with hex color code values automatically pulled from the paint so you can more easily set color values on the iRacing Member Site. This feature is only available for newly-uploaded paints.
  • If you’re approved to use an approve-to-race paint and it’s in your Favorites list, it will now appear as a selectable paint.
  • If you’re a Trading Paints Pro member, preview pictures for inactive paints are now larger than they were previously.
  • When uploading a paint, we clarified that you can upload PNG files as paints (we convert them into iRacing-usable TGAs).
  • We now detect whether or not uploaded file dimensions are valid 2048x2048 files or 1024x1024 files, and reject any uploads that are not a size iRacing can use.
  • Shortened the length of items in the vehicle options dropdown menus.
  • Removed “seen X times” count, as we stopped counting this with the launch of the 2.x Downloader program.
  • For Trading Paints Pro members, reduced the likelihood of a league appearing multiple times.
  • If your Trading Paints Pro membership ends, any vehicle-specific helmets and suits become unassigned.

Settings, Profiles, and Messaging

  • During registration, an error message is only displayed once you try to submit something. Previously, an error message would appear when tabbing through form fields.
  • Added the ability to remove your profile and cover photos to return to defaults.
  • Top 20 Showroom trophies are now displayed on user profile pages.
  • Fixed “Suporter” typo on the “Supporter” trophy on user profiles.
  • Fixed an issue where a “More” button would appear on the Trophies user profile tab.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not report an issue if logged out.
  • Fixed an issue where browsers that autocomplete passwords would autocomplete a hidden password field, resulting in an unexpected “passwords do not match” error message when updating parts of your profile.


  • Improved the speed of the default Showroom listing. This should be a noticeable change.
  • If you are a Trading Paints Pro member, you can disable comments on a Showroom paint scheme.
  • The number of users racing and number of favorites counts have been updated. Previously, there was a discrepancy between the numbers on the Showroom page and the paint scheme page.
  • After favoriting a paint, you will be prompted to follow the painter if you’re not already following them.
  • When viewing a paint designated as Paint of the Week, you can click the Paint of the Week link to view past POTW winners.
  • We now detect whether or not uploaded file dimensions are valid 2048x2048 files or 1024x1024 files, and reject any uploads that are not a size iRacing can use.
  • You now receive a Trading Paints notification if your paint is selected as Paint of the Week on Twitter.
  • We now show a loading indicator and success message when deleting a Showroom paint. Previously, there was no feedback that you successfully removed a paint.
  • Added a link to the Hall of Fame when viewing the Showroom while logged out.
  • We are now preventing search engines from indexing links to paint schemes marked as Unlisted.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t close the “drivers using” pop-up with the keyboard Esc key.
  • Fixed an issue where the Unlisted icon was not appearing on your Favorites list on unlisted paints.
  • Fixed a bug where a “back to results” button appeared on your paint scheme page immediately after uploading a paint to the Showroom.

Paint Builder

  • Added an email option to be notified when someone shares a Paint Builder project with you.
  • Fixed a bug where some base paint schemes were not appearing correctly on dirt cars.

Thank You

As always, thanks to all the iRacing racers and painters for your continued feedback and support and for making the painting community great. If you’re not already, follow us on Twitter @tradingpaints as we showcase (well, Patrick showcases) our favorite and most creative paints throughout the week.

– SteveShawn, and Patrick