Paint Builder Update Notes: February 12, 2024

We’ve added some new features and improvements to Paint Builder to make your pre-season painting a little more fun.
- Seamless saving! Paint Builder will no longer appear to stop and refresh the project view every few minutes, which it did previously to update the project’s preview image for the Project List screen. Instead, this process now happens silently in the background, making for a more seamless painting experience.
- Added the option for assigning a corner radius when applying a background color to a logo. This means you can easily add a rounded-edge rectangle as a “sticker” effect.
- Added 50 new fictional brand logos: 4-Corners, Ah Potato!, Allen Energy, Apex Air Filters, AutoFortress, Baatu, Bella’s Umbrellas, B-Main Brewing, Bukub Pumps, Camshaft Coffee Co., Check-Up Brake Inspection, Claw Oil, Clyde’s Paint, Coche Cola, Control-R Refinishing, Cornering Driving School, Delta Glass Repair, Dusty’s Truck Centers, DWOD, Eesto Records, EYV Networking, Fearless Tires, Gemini Gears, Hank’s Hardware, Hosta Performance Parts, HP4 Spark Plugs, Journeyman Tools, Lightning Wireless, Lollipop Quick-Stop, Net Cod, No Chill Antifreeze, Nyoom, OOLID Tires, Oversteer Oil, Oznot Shocks, Pole Position Polish, Satellite Secondhand Parts, Scholar Dollar, Scorpio Tire & Auto Centers, Sea Bounty, Sesame Smart-Home System, Skid-Mark Sponges, Slipstream Lubricants, STFU Hearing Protection, Tepid Water Heaters, Tempest Wiper Blades, Turbo Tree Service, Urmuted Mufflers, VISE Tools, and Wildcat Welding.
- If ”Show when editing” is enabled on Painting Guides, those guides will now appear when using the arrow keys to move a layer.
- Changed the default behavior of the Wireframe painting guide to show the inverse color of the items below, making it easier to see the wireframe on any color car. This option can be turned off in the properties panel.
- Cloned Car Parts layers can now have a color fill value applied via the properties panel.
- User-uploaded logos can now have a color fill value applied via the properties panel.
- After uploading a new logo, the My Uploads screen will now jump to show the newly-uploaded logo instead of remaining at the top of the list where Favorites appear.
- Made some improvements with how alpha-channel transparency is handled on vehicles with paintable window portions.
- Fixed an issue where some layers were changing their order when Combine Layer Groups was enabled and a Car Parts layer was cloned.
- Fixed an issue where projects containing a font that couldn’t be loaded caused the project to display an infinite-loading spinner, and also corrected four incomplete font files that were causing this issue.
- Fixed an issue on the My Uploads screen where if the screen height was too low or if the browser zoom level was set very far, a scrollbar would not appear for accessing logos you’ve uploaded.
We hope you enjoy these updates to Paint Builder!