Paint Builder Update Notes: March 7, 2025

A new release of Paint Builder adds layer grouping, performance improvements, and other new features.

Paint Builder Update Notes: March 7, 2025

We’ve released some new updates to Paint Builder.


  • Layer grouping is now supported! You can now select multiple layers to combine into a single unit. This makes moving, rotating, and resizing much quicker across areas of a car or logo lockup. Use Shift or Ctrl/Cmd while clicking the layers you want to group, and then group them together by right-clicking and selecting “Group Layers” or pressing Ctrl/Cmd + G.
  • You can now change the assigned car on an existing project from within the project settings. This is useful if you’re building a duplicate of a paint and want to use its existing layers as a basis for a paint on a different car.
  • The right-click context menu is now available in the Layers list, instead of just on the painting canvas.
  • Added support for the %BLUESKY_NAME% shortcode for text layers. If you insert the text %BLUESKY_NAME%, your Bluesky username will be automatically displayed on the project, similarly to the way you can for %NAME%, %TWITTER_NAME%, %FACEBOOK_NAME%, %INSTAGRAM_NAME%, %TWITCH_NAME%, %YOUTUBE_NAME%, and %WEBSITE_URL%.
  • .webp images are now supported for uploaded layers.


  • By popular request, the Layers list is no longer separated into groups by Graphics, Logos & Text, and Shapes. This means that by default, you can now organize all layer types (except Base Paints) in the order you wish.
  • Shape-drawing performance has improved significantly. You’ll notice less lag when inserting a shape or drawing with the pen or polygon tools.
  • Improved performance on projects with many layers.
  • Improved memory usage when Paint Builder’s browser tab was moved out of focus and then made active again.
  • Under-the-hood architecture changes have been implemented with the goal of improving overall speed and performance.


  • Fixed a bug where the Custom Number option was available when racing Helmets and Suits.
  • Fixed a bug where, when right-clicking a shape when another shape is already selected, the wrong context menu would appear.
  • Fixed an issue where all projects of a particular vehicle wouldn’t load if the Number Blocks painting guide couldn’t be found.


  • Improved app behavior when the connection between the server and the app is interrupted.
  • Updated Paint Builder to use new Trading Paints and Paint Builder logos!

Thanks for your patience while we rolled out these changes!