Car painting updates for iRacing 2025 Season 2 build
iRacing has released some new content and tweaked some cars. Here’s what you need to know for painting in 2025 Season 2.
iRacing has released some new content and tweaked some cars. Here’s what you need to know for painting in 2025 Season 2.
A new release of Paint Builder adds layer grouping, performance improvements, and other new features.
Paint Builder is down because we’re making some updates that are taking longer than expected. Sorry!
We’re sharing some of our favorite entries from our second Proving Grounds Challenge, celebrating the 15th anniversary of Trading Paints.
Put your skills to the test with our latest Proving Grounds Challenge celebrating our new look.
Founder Steve Luvender reflects on 15 years of Trading Paints, sharing memories from the journey and a look at what’s ahead, including some fresh visual updates to the brand.
Jesse Abraham’s Neonizm Holographic Chevrolet Corvette Z06 GT3.R was voted 2024 Paint of the Year by the Trading Paints community.
We’ve released some new updates to Number Builder, our free tool for creating your own custom number styles. A new look and feel makes it easier to create your perfect number style, whether you’re working from your PC or playing around on your phone. (It’s not weird
We’ve added a new, much-requested section on the Trading Paints Showroom for Verified Official paints. Verified Official paints are submissions published in the Showroom — usually representations of cars racing in real-world series — that are liveries provided by a race team, sponsor, driver, artist, series, or team representative in an
There’s something we love about fake brands in sim racing games — names nobody’s heard of, appearing on cars made up of pixels. No fears of disappointing your paying sponsors when you cause the first-turn-first-lap pileup. No concerns about losing paid representation when you tweet that pineapple belongs on
Sure, we’re a little late to the party, but Trading Paints is now on Instagram. Follow us at @tradingpaints, where we'll showcase custom paints from the community, share tips, tricks and creative inspiration, and highlight the creators that make up our wonderful community. View this post on
Four styles of Trading Paints shirts are now available and ready for your closet.